The countdown to find insurance loomed. I was uninsured and unemployed with meager savings and getting desperate about my health care. Luckily, my boyfriend's mom brought home some paper work one day from Virginia Mason, the hospital she works at. The form was for the hospital's charity care program, assistance with medical procedures for low income folks. I applied, sent in tax forms, bank statements and sworn letters and began the wait.
In the meantime, I decided to make an appointment with the Ear Nose and Throat specialist at the hospital just in case I got coverage. Literally, the day before my appointment I heard back from Virginia Mason with the amazing news that 100% of my medical bills would be covered! I actually shed tears of relief and happiness. What a world we live in where people struggling with their health (enough stress on its own) have to obsess about how they will pay their bills, this isn't healthy or fair. I am very lucky and hope that I can help educate other low income people out there. If you are uninsured and do not qualify for medicaid, look into charity funds at hospitals, you just might be surprised!
The following day, I met with the ENT specialist who was concerned about my health and antibiotic intake....needless to say, my tonsillectomy was scheduled for a month later.
Cue the panic.